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Writer's pictureKassandra Vaughn

5 Secrets to Living Your Best Life

It's time for you to live your best life. Here are 5 secrets to doing that...

Your best life is not a myth. It's not some faraway dream that you have to spend years fighting to earn. You can start living your best life now... and it doesn't have to be perfect and you don't have to earn it... But you do have to be willing to allow yourself to have it and here's the reality of the situation:

Your best life CAN start now...

Make yourself a priority. At the end of the day, you're your longest commitment. - Unknown

The question becomes: Okay... how do I live my best life? I'll give you 5 ways to do that...

Here are 5 secrets to living your best life:

Secret #1: Focus on YOUR work...

Mark Groves (@createthelove on Instagram) has said "You can never do enough work for two people. Ironically, our desire to heal another is usually the avoidance of healing ourselves. Turn within so you can model the behavior they need to heal themselves too." You have no ability to help others until and unless you have helped yourself first... and your best life will only result from you making YOU your #1 priority. Do your work and your best life becomes the natural result. #doyourwork

Secret #2: Pursue your biggest dreams now...

So many of us live with the "I'll do this when..." syndrome. We have all of these dreams, plans and goals... and hold ourselves from pursuing those goals "until" and the problem with "until" is that the conditional way of life signals a self-worth issue. Any time you indicate that you have to wait to experience your highest good "until" you do A, B, or C, what you're really telling yourself and the Universe is this: "I'm not worthy of my highest good. I need to hustle for my worthiness until I can even attempt to create the life I say I want." How's that working out for you? It's not... So the second secret to living your best life is to stop putting your biggest dreams on hold. Pursue them now. Go after them now. You are worthy of the best NOW. Believe and live into that... #goafterwhatyouwant

Secret #3: Stay away from negative people...

Nobody's neutral. If you want to live your best life, you have to ditch people, places and experiences that wreak negativity. Remember: a little negativity goes along way. Being friends with a complainer may seem harmless. Hanging around family members who are jealous of your success may feel normal because you've known these people your whole life. However, if your want to live your best life, keep in mind that all toxic people in your life are taking up space in your life that could otherwise be held by positive, happy people. To level up, you have to let go of anything that's holding you down... and negative people (no matter how positive a person you are) WILL hold you down and hold you back. Let those people go... #releasetoxicpeople #nonegativity #negativityfreezone

Secret #4: Make Lots of Mistakes (and don't be afraid to)

Any time you're creating a new life (or redesigning some area of your life) you are bound to make mistakes. Get used to it. Look forward to it. Give yourself, as John Maxwell in a book called Failing Forward, calls it a 'failure quota' and insist upon trying enough new things and making enough new decisions that you make lots of mistakes. Why? Because failure is the master teacher (not success). Making mistakes is the only way to get better. If you aren't failing, you aren't evolving so get over the idea of being perfect (no possible) and give yourself the creative space to try new things, to take risks and, yes, to make mistakes. #failforward #makemistakes #overcomefear

Secret #5: Experience pleasure daily...

Pleasure is an experience of joy, passion, and satisfaction that you can have at ANY moment in your life... so why are you waiting to allow yourself to experience pleasure UNTIL you get to a certain place or achieve a certain thing? Don't wait. Pleasure is a key way to live your best life and whether you derive pleasure from a piece of chocolate, a walk on the beach, a weekend getaway, reading a great book, or spending time with a loved one, give yourself both permission and sacred time to experience pleasure on a daily basis. Life is short and there's no reason to postpone pleasure. Experience pleasure today... (#pleasure #satisfaction #joy #lovinglife

Your new life is going to cost you your old one. - Unknown

At the end of the day, you have every ability, right here, right now, to start living your best life. Will it be perfect? No. Will you wake up every single day happy and joyous and never feel sad? No. This is life and real life has great and tough moments, whether you are living your best life or not. Here's what you will get when you decide to start living your best life: you'll be free to experience the life you want, the life you deserve, and the life you were born to have- the good, the bad and the in between of it. We didn't come here to have life be perfect; we came here to live it fully... and that is living your best life...

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